Premier Adult Capoeira Classes

Master capoeira and develop friendships. Get started today!

Learn Capoeira

Curriculum regularly updated to be the most effective

Adaptable teachers accommodate learning styles

Classes maximize practice and retention of material

Invigorating body conditioning

Portuguese exercises develop contextual fluency

Afro-Brazilian instruments and rhythms

Immersive music instruction

Respectful of time. Only 2-3 hours a week needed

Cultivation of injury avoidance

Database of supplemental videos

Build Community

Personalities eager to chit-chat. Strengthen bonds every day

Only positivity. No degradation or humiliation

Everyone accepted. No intolerance

Discussions of influences, goal-setting, and other values

Community events across Colorado, the USA, and Brazil

Hang-outs and events outside of the studio

Accepting new students
Register Now
Class Hours

Monday 7-8:30 pm

Wednesday 7-8:30 pm

Saturday 1-2 pm


Training with us is a great way to exercise and energize yourself. Sometimes, as their instructor, I become tired from the workout, but it’s a lot of fun.

I think the most important thing in capoeira is the relationships with the people in our group. And relationships always change you.

Erin - 'Pirata' | trained 4 years


Capoeira is a really great community where people come together. They learn movement, dance, and martial arts. But you really have to experience it to understand it.

Kendall - 'Risada' | Training 7 Years


Since doing capoeira I've definitely felt a lot happier in my life. I've enjoyed meeting all of the people here, and I've become more outgoing.

Miguel - 'Macarrão' | Trained 4 Years


What is the blessing to me when it comes to playing capoeira and being a part of this community is having an outlet that does so much.

Mike - 'Chapa' | Training 5 Years
